Hast - non-chronological report
Desert Eagles
Desert eagles weren’t discovered until the late nineteenth century. Approximately 120 years ago, people first started to track snakes in the desert and knew there was an unknown creature out there.Yet, not much information was known about these human friendly creatures and the only trustworthy information that was known, by William Shelling the hunter who found this remarkable creature, was that if desert hunter sprayed orange juice on them this would attract them and consequently become friends! As years have past by, well-educated scientists have made many more improvements to help us have more knowledge about these outstanding creatures and now can explain basic area’s of their lifecycle including their: appearance, habitat and diet. However there is something extremely clear, after reading this text, you will have a different feeling about them and would really want one as a friend…
As their body camouflages in the sand, these remarkable creatures do not have many distinctive pattern. They have roughly 8 green pentagonal shaped lines on their turtle-like bodies, which could be extremely hard to see because of their camouflaged bodies. Furthermore, they share many other animal features,such as: flamingo legs, owl faces, turtle shells and bat wings. Inside their rather sharp beaks, which they could use to drink cactus juice with, they have no teeth and their tongues are peach orange. They often can change their eye colours, bloody red to scare away predators, baby blue to show they are friendly, bright yellow eye to camouflage in the sand and lime green eye to show they can see day and night. As they evolve into adults, they weigh 70-80 Kg (the weight of an average adult) and measure between 60-70 Kg ( the size of an average toddler). However, you won’t spot these creatures often due to the colour of their skin.
Desert eagles are commonly found in holes about 1 metre high and 2 metres wide (in any desert environment). In addition to this, these remarkable creature are also known as microhabitat specialists because they only remain in or close to the same spot throughout their lives. Their sharp claws help them dig holes as fast as a car can drive, consequently, in most cases these creatures are found in holes, which provides the safety. Yet some of these creatures can be found living in a cactus; this is good for them because the cactus water helps them survive.Experts in the desert, believe these creatures are just like us humans with a brain full of ideas, which helps them survive in the dry desert. This means hunters, should not only look in holes, but also cacti.
Have you ever wondered what these outstanding creatures eat? It may be shocking because, even though they are large creatures, they have a extremely small amount of food. Scientists say they have a very different movement when they attack, take home and eat their prey. Due to the place they live desert eagles have a extremely restricted diet. In fact, the only things they digest are: snakes, lizards and scorpions. Yet their most flavoured drink is cactuses juice, and luckily for them there are many cactus in the desert to help them survive from thirst. As a result of their limited diet, desert eagles do not even have to hunt for their prey and they only emerge if necessary. Experts have recently revealed that they can live without water for 4 weeks and without food for 8 weeks; this is good for them if there is nothing to eat because they can survive longer
In conclusion, desert eagles have no harm to humans and actually want to be friends with us. However, they can be fierce if something or someone attacks them. Some people say they are horrid for attacking people, yet it may be that the humans are guilty for annoying them in the beginning. In addition experts (scientists) have also found out that these remarkable creatures can live up to 50 years. Due to their outstanding survival skills, these creatures could also live between a month to two when a part of their body ( heads, feet, hands and turtle shells) falls of; it is a better chance for having a longer life. Is this enough to show you how outstanding these creatures are and how nice it is to have on as a friend.